Famous French Desserts Easy French Dessert Recipes for Kids

UPDATE: for the ultimate baking with kids resource, how about picking up a copy of my book, In the French kitchen with kids? Click here for info and order details!

In the French Kitchen with Kids cover on eatlivetravelwrite.comFrench baking. Sound too complicated to attempt? Let alone with your kids? Never fear – it's actually much easier than you'd think to create gorgeous French desserts at home – with your kids! With March Break coming up next week here, it's a great time to get in the kitchen with your kids and here are a few projects you might like to try…

For a nice way to ease into French baking, how about these custardy apple squares (here, in muffin form) from Dorie Greenspan, the queen of making French baking accessible?

Kids made Dorie Greenspan custardy apple squares from baking Chez Moi on eatlivetravelwrite.comThis recipe is from Dorie's latest book, Baking Chez Moi, and the recipe itself is fairly simply –  make a simple thick custard and dunk some thinly-sliced apples into it. My students (aged 9-13) worked very independently on all tasks when we made these – I gave them the recipe, set up stations and briefly told them what they needed to do but honestly I was just there to make sure it was all on track time-wise. They didn't need any help at all from me. These are perfect for breakfast, dessert or a snack!

For something a little more fancy, how about madeleines ?

KIds baking cracking eggs to make madeleines by Mardi Michels eatlivetravelwrite.com Making madeleines for Food Revolution Day by Mardi Michels eatlivetravelwrite.com Piping madeleines Dorie Greenspan madeleines for Food Revolution Day by Mardi Michels eatlivetravelwrite.comThis batter comes together really easily and kids love the shell-shaped "tea cakes" – note that using a non-stick pan makes them a breeze to pop out. Try making mini-sized ones too! This recipe is from Dorie's Around my French Table.

Think you can't make pastry from scratch? Think you would be crazy to try with your kids? Actually (sssh!), it's much easier than you would think! You don't have to do anything too complicated – try these apple galettes for starters…

Galette dough on eatlivetravelwrite.com Kids rolling galette dough on eatlivetravelwrite.com Kids making apple galettes on eatlivetravelwrite.com Apple galettes just out of the oven on eatlivetravelwrite.com And if you are feeling game, how about attempting "rough puff" pastry?

Kids rolling rough puff pastry on eatlivetravelwrite.com Kids making rough puff pastry on eatlivetravelwrite.comFor something that sounds and looks much more difficult than it actually is, how about tackling choux pastry? Jamie Oliver's profiteroles were a huge hit when we made them in cooking club and I've subsequently made many iterations of choux pastry with the boys – they LOVE its magical puffing potential!

Kids piping profiteroles on eatlivetravelwrite.com Kids baking Jamie Oliver Comfort Food profiteroles on eatlivetravelwrite.com Decorating profiteroles on eatlivetravelwrite.com Jamie Oliver Comfort Food profiteroles on eatlivetravelwrite.comAnother favourite is definitely chouquettes – Edd Kimber's Recipe from Pâtisserie made Simple is a good one!

Edd Kimber Chouquettes on eatlivetravelwrite.comSo you see, baking with kids is an excellent project for the holidays. FRENCH baking with kids, even more so. Have a go, won't you – it's definitely not as hard as you think!

Some of the books I've used recipes from with my cooking club boys:

Patisserie made Simple by Edd Kimber

Buy Pâtisserie Made Simple for yourself on Amazon (this should bring you to the Amazon store geographically closest to you!). Or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository.

AMFT cover on eatlivetravelwrite.com

Purchase Around My French Table for yourselves which you can do here on Amazon. (this should bring you to the Amazon store geographically closest to you). Or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository.

Baking Chez Moi Cover

Purchase Baking Chez Moi for yourself on Amazon (this link should bring you to the Amazon store in your country) or for free worldwide shipping, buy from The Book Depository.


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MY BOOK! In the French kitchen with kids is out now! Click here for details and how to order!

In the French Kitchen with Kids cover on eatlivetravelwrite.com


Source: https://www.eatlivetravelwrite.com/2016/03/french-fridays-french-baking-with-kids/

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