Child Slow to Read but Good at Math


Adjectives And Adverbs

Adjectives And Adverbs

Exercise 1
Cull the right give-and-take in the parentheses.

1. George is a (careless / carelessly) author. He writes (careless / carelessly).
2. Frank asked me an (easy / easily) question. I answered it (piece of cake / easily).
3. Emerge speaks (soft / softly). She has a (soft / softly) voice.
4. I entered the classroom (quiet / quietly) because I was late.
five. Ali speaks English very (good / well). He has very (expert / well) pronunciation.
6. This math problem looks (easy / easily). I'm sure I can do information technology (like shooting fish in a barrel / hands).
7. That chair looks (comfortable / comfortably).
8. I looked at the trouble (careful / carefully) and so solved it.
9. I felt (sad / sadly) when I heard the news.
10. Susan smiled (cheerful / cheerfully). She seemed (cheerful / cheerfully).
11. I tasted the soup (careful / carefully) considering it was hot. The soup tasted (good /
12. The room got (quiet / quietly) when the professor entered. The students sat (placidity
/ quietly) at their desks.
xiii. The heaven grew (dark / darkly) every bit the tempest approached.
1. devil-may-care, carelessly 6. like shooting fish in a barrel, easily eleven. carefully, practiced
2. like shooting fish in a barrel, easily 7. comfortable 12.quiet, quietly
iii. softly, soft 8. carefully 13. dark
iv. quietly 9. distressing
5. well, good 10. cheerfully, cheerful


Practice -2
Decide whether the underlined words are correct (R) or wrong (W).
Correct those which are wrong.

1. Give my best wishes to your parents. I hope they are well.
two. The children behaved themselves very good.
3. I tried hardly to recall his name merely I couldn't.
four. The company'southward financial situation is non well at nowadays.
v. Jack has started his ain business organization. Everything is going quite good.
6. Don't walk so fast. Can't you walk more slowly?
seven. Encounter y'all shortly! Don't work too hard.
ane. Right 3. W.hard 5. W, well seven. Right
2. Due west,well 4. Westward,good 6. Correct


Exercise -iii
Cull the correct word, an adjective or an adverb.

1. Delight, shut the door (tranquillity / quietly).
two. Tin can you be (quiet / quietly), please?
three. This soup tastes (nice / nicely).
4. Tom cooks very (good / well).
5. Don't go upward that ladder. It doesn't look (safe / safely).
half dozen. We were relieved that he arrived (safe / safely) afterwards his long journey.
vii. Do you feel (nervous / nervously) before examination?
8. Hurry upwardly! You're always and then (slow / slowly).
9. He looked at me (aroused / angrily) when I interrupted him.
1. quietly four. well 7. nervous
2. quiet 5. safe 8. slow
3. nice half-dozen. safely ix. angrily


Exercise -4
Determine whether to use an adjective or an adverb in each of the following sentences.

1. Martha performed (good/well) on the exam.
2. The auto moves (quick/quickly).
three. The footing was (firm/firmly) later on the night's frost.
4. Paul scored the test (accurate/accurately).
5. The winner of the contest is certainly (cute/beautifully).
6. My new auto runs and then (smoothen/smoothly).
7. The color of my business firm is (brilliant/brightly) xanthous.
8. That old reckoner runs then (slow/slowly).
9. Later on going to the dance, Mary was (real/actually) tired.
10.That meal was (delicious/deliciously).
eleven. Floods cause millions of dollars worth of property impairment (annual/annually).
12. Writer Ernest Hemingway is known for his (unproblematic/simply) language and his lively dialogue.
13. Skyscrapers adult (simultaneous/simultaneously) in Chicago and New York Urban center.
xiv. The endocrine system functions in (close/closely) human relationship with the nervous system.
15. Mushrooms are found in an (incredible/incredibly) range of sizes, colors and shapes.
16. Opera vocaliser Maria Callas was known for her (intense/intensely) powerful vocalism.
1. well seven. brilliant 13. simultaneously
2. apace eight. slowly 14. close
3. firm 9. really 15.incredible
4. accurately 10.delicious 16.intense
5. cute eleven. annually
6. smoothly 12. elementary

Exercise -5
Ascertain whether sentences are Truthful (T) or Faux (F). Correct mistakes.

1. The passenger vehicle arrived lately, and so I missed my kickoff class.
ii. We did not pass the test, simply we certainly tried hard.
iii. The railroad train left at exactly five:00 P.M.
4. When Ms. Smith went to Germany, she bought an exquisitely carved vase.
5. They had a real expert chance of winning the national competition.
6. Computers process information efficiently.
7. We worked hard and saved plenty money to take a trip.
8. There was a jerky chosen coming together to talk over the motorcoach strike.
9. He was thorough interested in the field of study.
10.That dress fits her perfectly.
11 .She likes her students to arrive prompt for class.
12. We studied really hard for the test.
xiii. He was bright and attractive.
14.The child ran fastly to get to schoolhouse.
15. He wrote his paper actually expert.
16.The careful organized bout of the urban center was a huge success.
17.Y'all cannot perchance imagine how embarrassed I was yesterday.
18. Although he plays soccer well, he plays tennis bad.
nineteen. I read an interestingly written report.
20. The time went past very fastly on our vacation.
1. F,late 8. F, hastily xv.F,well
ii. T 9. F, thoroughly 16. F, carefully
iii. ? 10.? 17.T
iv. T 11.F, promptly eighteen.f, badly
5. F, really 12.T 19.T
6. T 13.T 20.F,fast
seven. Tfast 14.F,fast

Do -6
Rewrite each judgement beginning with the words given.

1. Ursula is a very quick learner. — Ursula learns very speedily.
2. Richard can melt really well. — Richard is a __ .
three. Your behaviour was extremely foolish. — You lot behaved __ .
4. The hotel staff treated united states of america in a very friendly manner. — The hotel staff were __ .
5. I don't think that's a practical suggestion. — That suggestion doesn't sound __ .
half-dozen. Philippa is usually a hard worker. — Philippa usually works __ .
7. Have the children been skillful today? — Have the children behaved __ ?
eight. I wish you could swim fast. — I wish you were __ .
ii. really skillful cook 4. very friendly towards half dozen. hard
three. extremely heedlessly united states 7. well today
5. applied (to me) 8. a fast swimmer

Exercise -seven
Define whether the sentences below are Truthful (T) or False (F). Correct mistakes.

ane. "Please get a move on!" shouted Trevor impatient.
two. I believe she is a very lonely woman.
3. I didn't like his plan, which seemed unnecessary complicated to me.
iv. I'm sure yous could win the lucifer if you tried hardly.
5. I take an awful headache, so could you delight exist quiet.
6. Soraya'southward just been in French republic a year, merely she speaks perfectly French.
7. The reason Bruce gets so tired is that he has an exceptional demanding chore.
8. My mother was very ill last year, but she's good plenty to get on holiday now.
9. David ran as fast as he could only he still arrived late.
10. In spite of the fact that Jean e'er says she'due south short of money, I happen to know she actually has a very good-paid job.
11. A barracudas' teeth are awful large and knife similar.
12. This fall'south television shows are surely interesting.
xiii. Jefferson did good in the state-broad fine art contest held last spring.
14. I ran bad in my first race, just in the second race I did much meliorate.
fifteen. The ginger water ice cream tasted good.
16. Daphne scored perfect on the mathematics section of her college entrance exam.
1. F, impatiently 6. F, perfect English 11. F, awfully
2. T vii. F, exceptionally 12. T
3. F, unnecessarily 8. F, well plenty thirteen. F, well
four. F, hard ix. T 14. F, badly
5. T 10. F, well-paid 15. T
16. F, perfectly

Adjectives and Adverbs


We use adjectives to describe nouns and pronouns. Adjectives can come earlier nouns or after linking verbs.
Before the noun:
– He dropped the hot plate.
– I have a blackness cat.
– The modest male child ran downwards the street.
– What a beautiful view!
Later a linking verb:
– He seems tired.
– The view is beautiful.
– The weather became common cold.
– My true cat is black.
(Linking verbs are verbs like 'be', 'get' and 'seem' which are not actions but instead link the discipline to an adjective, substantive or phrase that gives u.s.a. more information near the subject.) We make the comparative and peak of adjectives by adding either '-er / -est' or using 'more than /
– She is tall.
– She is taller than her sis.
– She is the tallest person in the class.


Adverbs are used to describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. They are oft (simply not ever) made by adding 'ly' to the adjective.
– I walked slowly ('slowly' tells united states about the verb 'walk').
– They worked quickly.
Nosotros make the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs past using 'more / most'.
– She sang loudly.
– She sang more loudly than her friend.
– She sang nigh loudly in the class.

Adverb or adjective ?

It's important to remember to use an adjective after a linking verb. All the same, this can be tricky as some verbs tin can exist used equally both normal verbs and as linking verbs. One test is to replace the verb with the same class of 'be' and see if the sentence still makes sense. If information technology does, the verb is being used as a linking verb and then needs an adjective, not an adverb.

– He smells the hot soup carefully. (Here we are talking about the activeness of smelling and using olfactory property equally a normal verb, so we need an adverb.)
– The soup smells good. (Hither we are using 'smell' as a linking verb, to depict the soup. Nosotros can replace 'smells' with 'is' and the sentence still makes sense. So, nosotros demand an adjective.)
– He looked tiredly at the muddied kitchen. (Here nosotros are talking about the activeness of looking and using 'look' as a normal verb, so we use an adverb to describe the way of looking.)
– You lot wait beautiful. (Here we are using 'wait' as a linking verb, to give more information about the person. We tin can replace 'wait' with 'are' and the sentence withal makes sense. And so we need an adjective.)

Irregular forms

Usually, nosotros brand an adverb by adding 'ly' to an adjective.

careful (adjective)
He is ever careful.
carefully (adverb)
She put the spectacles down carefully
tranquillity (describing word)
This is a quiet room.
quietly (adverb)
She spoke quietly.
bad (adjective)
This coffee is bad!
badly (adverb)
He sings badly!

If the adjective ends in 'y', we change 'y' to 'i' and add 'ly'. If the adjective ends in 'le', we drib 'e' and
add 'y'.

happy (adjective)
She looks very happy.
happily (adverb)
He sang happily
gentle (adjective)
It's a gentle cat.
gently (adverb)
He stroked the cat gently.

However, there are some exceptions.

fast (describing word)
That's a fast car
fast (adverb)
She walks fast.
early (adjective)
She was early for the meeting
early on (adverb)
He arrived early.
skilful (describing word)
That is a good book.
well (adverb)
She did well on the test. ('Well' can also be an
adjective. See below)
difficult (describing word)
Maths is difficult!
hard (adverb)
She tried hard. ('Inappreciably' is likewise an adverb, only
means 'near none'. See below)
late (adjective)
He is ever tardily!
late (adverb)
He got upward late this morning time. ('Lately' is also an
adverb but ways 'recently'. Encounter below.)
There are also some adjectives that cease in 'ly' and don't have an adverb class. Instead we use 'in a —
way'. These are friendly, lovely, lonely, lively, and silly.
– He talked to me in a friendly style.

Expert / well

'Well' can be confusing considering it is both the adverb form of 'skillful', and an adjective that means 'healthy and fine'.
– My mother is well ('well' is an adjective that ways 'healthy and fine').
– He did the work well ('well' is an adverb pregnant 'in a good way').
Of course, we also utilise 'good' as an describing word.
– This meal is practiced!
– He tin speak good German.

Hard / hardly

'Hard' is both an adjective and an adverb.
– The tabular array is hard (= adjective, significant 'not soft' or 'hard').
– She works hard (= adverb, meaning 'with a lot of effort').
'Hardly' is besides an adverb, but it ways 'almost aught' or 'most none'.
– She hardly works (= she does nigh no work).
– I have hardly any money (= I take most no money).

Tardily / lately

'Belatedly' is an adjective and an adverb. At that place is also an adverb 'lately', which means 'recently'.
– I'm late (= adjective, pregnant 'not on time').
– He came late (= adverb, meaning 'non on time').
– I've been working a lot lately (= an adverb meaning 'recently').

Mod English and Adverbs

Many native English speakers are starting to employ adjectives where traditionally we need an adverb. Some people recall this is wrong, but it's very common.
– He ran quick (instead of 'he ran apace').
This is particularly common with comparatives and superlatives.
– She ran quicker (instead of 'she ran more quickly').
Of grade, it'due south your choice if you'd like to follow traditional grammer or use the more modernistic manner. I'd suggest that if you lot're writing formally, information technology'southward probably meliorate to use an adverb. In all my exercises here, I use the traditional mode.




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